Centre Management
The Centre is managed on a daily basis by a charity Hamdon Youth & Family Centre Trust ("HYFCT"). Trustees meet every two months. The Parish Council was required to grant a formal Lease to the HYFCT under the sale terms. A Service Management Agreement has been signed between the Parish Council and HYFCT to define joint responsibilities and reporting requirements.
The charity is a user-led charity, meaning that most of its Trustees are representatives of the groups that use the Centre. Set up in 2018 when the church was purchased by Stoke Parish Council, the charity is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation ("CIO"), which means that the Trustees whilst taking responsibility for running the Centre do not have individual personal financial responsibility, just responsibility as a corporate entity. CIOs were created by the Charity Commission in 2012 to provide a more modern and pragmatic way for charity structures and is the preferred way forward for the charity sector.
HYFCT holds its AGM each year in the Summer at the Centre and villagers are very welcome to attend to hear how the Centre is progressing.
Charity Commission Registration No: 1177307
Company Registration: CE013364
Bankers: Lloyds Bank